Steel Value Chain

Iron Ore Concentrate

The northern Xinjiang is one of the most significant centers for iron and copper metallogenesis provinces in China.

  • Iron ore is found in nearly every industrial activity
  • Iron allowed economic expansion during the Industrial Revolution by serving as a key material to the infrastructure industry and it continues to do so even now
  • It has a wide range of applications in steelmaking, construction, infrastructure, and the automotive sector

Our company has built and is continuing to expand the biggest Iron to Steel complex in Western China; and processes iron ore to pellets and using innovative technology (developed by Institute of Engineering Technology of University of Science and Technology Beijing and NERCAR) produces DRI/HBI which in turn is further processed into various forms of Steel.

As a part of Xi’an International Heavy Industries Management vision – to be a leading producer of high-quality green steel with the lowest possible operation cost – to achieve this goal, our ultra-modern full value chain complex of Iron Ore Concentrate, Pelletizing, DRI, and EAF based steel plants are underway; which will be the biggest and one of the most advanced “green” steel complexes world-wide based in Western China.

The Iron Ore Concentrate producing plant with the total capacity of 15 million tons per annum is being constructed in three phases. This plant will profit from easy access to raw material from various mines in the vicinity of the plant. Iron Ore Concentrate offerings will support in lowering the cost of production and increase productivity resulting in higher profitability in our steel value chain.

The beneficiation is a process of physically separating the grains of valuable minerals from the gangue minerals, to produce an enriched portion, or concentrate containing most of the valuable minerals, and a discard, or tailing, containing predominantly the gangue minerals. Pelletization is the process where the beneficiated ore is converted into pellets to make it suitable for different steel making processes, since the natural deposits of iron ore are not always available as per required parameters. The Company also has plans to further process the tailings to remove and process Titanium and Vanadium into metals.

The straight grate pellet plants are designed using world’s leading pellet plant technologist. Our pelletizing plant of 15 million ton will fulfill our DRI plant raw material requirements, and as such we are expected to increase our total capacity of DRI to 10 million tons of DRI/HBI by 2025-2026, according to the company’s plans. The well-referenced and time-tested DRI technology of NERCAR and Institute of Engineering Technology of University of Science and Technology Beijing is incorporated into the plant. There will be a total of 6 DRI/HBI plants each with capacity of 1.5 million tons/year.

Direct reduction of iron is the removal of oxygen from iron ore or other iron bearing materials in the solid state, i.e. without melting, as in the blast furnace. The reducing agents are carbon monoxide and hydrogen, coming from reformed natural gas or syngas ; the objective of the process is to remove the oxygen contained in various forms of iron ore (sized ore, concentrates, pellets, mill scale, furnace dust, etc.), in order to convert the ore to metallic iron, without melting it (below 1,200 °C (2,190 °F)). The direct reduction process is comparatively energy efficient. Steel made using DRI requires significantly less fuel, in that a traditional blast furnace is not needed. DRI is most commonly made into steel using Electric Arc Furnaces take advantage of the heat produced by the DRI product.

Our concentration, pelletizing, and DRI plants are ready to meet the ever increasing demand for “Green” iron and steel products in the country and globally.

The Company is now in tendering phase to award projects for converting our DRI to green steel products, through EAF and Casting in particular using technology of Continuous Strip Production, Hot Rolling (thin and wide plates), Strip Caster, Cold Rolling, and Stainless Steel. The Company will finally produce 10 mil tons of Green Steel using the most advanced technologies, to reduce footprint and increase profitability.